Tuesday, November 3, 2009


significance. what is it and how is it defined and who defines it for a person? simple as they come, i turned to webster's to look for a definition. there is states : the quality of being important.
i was faced with the definition and idea of importance last night when i opened my email. i had applied for various freelance positions and i had received another rejection. (at least this time the company had the courtesy to email back.) as i set dejected i began to ask myself why i was feeling this way. it all boiled down to significance.
i wanted someone else other than my family, because they are supposed to, say i was important. to tell me i had a skill, a gift and their company couldn't survive a second longer without my unique ability. my caring husband began to talk me into a calmer state and made me realize what true significance is.
significance is not defined by a skill or talent or the amount you might get paid to preform that skill everyday. it's not defined by education and how many degrees may be hanging on the wall. it's not defined by sport or music accolades that sit on the shelves and eventually collect dust. significance is defined by the lives you touch.
my role in life now is not to be a writer but a mom and not just a mom but a really good mom. unfortunately there are plenty of bad ones in the world today and being a good mom is hard to achieve. it's a daily goal that has to be reached and surpassed.
i'm also called to be a supportive wife. to make sure my husband's needs are met and that he feels loved and respected. to make the house a safe haven, a place where he can relax and unwind after an exhausting day.
another role i'm call to do is that of a servant. to serve those who may need help with kids, food, shelter, or a simple listening ear. what an amazing, hands-on lesson the boys and i can do together.
i have a job, a very important job; to be signifciant to by my husband, boys and the world around me. it's going to be tough dressing up like super heros, watching phineas and ferb, playing peek-a-boo, baking brownies for hungry youth, grilling steaks, and laughing at corney jokes but someone has to do it.

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